How do you make Elli Rewards work?

All you need:

Email address

Create a Password

A logo or any picture of your business

A short description of what you do

Your location

Start your free trial, so that you can scan customer’s QR codes, link them up with you, award points and give rewards.

You have 30 days for free, which will give you more than enough time to make this work for you.

Usually after the first week, you will get the first positive feedback from your customers coming in and you may even have increased your sales by using the reward system.

If you want us to do the set up for you, contact us here.

Once you have registered yourself and your business, the first thing to do is to pick how you would like to reward your customers:

Do you want them to collect points per purchase or reward them for being a member of your organization for a certain amount of time?

Both is possible at the same time.


What rewards would you like to give to your customers?

How many points is each reward worth it?

A good rule of thumb to shoot for is a 1-10 % item value.


If somebody earns 100 points, you could reward them with something that cost you 1-10 € to produce.

(Hint: Not all rewards have to have a money-value attached behind it. Sometimes a personal gesture can be perceived a lot higher than something you bought from a store to pass it on. Think Christmas: Something that you made yourself will always have more perceived value than something you just got from a store. In general, the more generous you are, the better it will work out for you)

You can always add to your list of rewards, but we recommend get something between 5-10 rewards to start with.

Just come up with something to get started.

Your customers will appreciate you for it!



Whenever a customer buys from you, tell them about Elli Rewards and that you are a part of it.

Ask them to download the app so they can get an immediate reward for their purchase.

You can make it even more appealing by giving them double the points for the first month for example.


You just created a loyal customer, potentially for life!

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